Aselin WengAdministrator
Aselin is a Family Physician practicing in Montreal. She runs a Family Medicine clinic for Deaf and hard-of-hearing patients. She enjoys advocating for Deaf people, planning events for the Deaf community, and helping to empower Deaf people. She also loves Deaf theatre.
Jack VolpeArtistic Director
A scriptwriter and director in film and theatre, Jack has been an ASL instructor for LLMRC and Seeing Voices Montreal since 2014. He has a BFA in Film Production and a B.Ed. in Early Childhood Eduation, he is currently a teacher at École Gadbois Elementary school in the Deaf department for Deaf students.
Sandra SaoumaaLogistics
Sandra holds a Bachelor in Education and works as a high school teacher.. She has also graduated from Douglas College's Sign Language Interpretation program and is also working as an interpreter. She has been involved with SVM since 2015.
Sera KassabVideographer
Sera graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor in Fine Arts. She brings her many artistic talents to SVM by vlogging and designing graphics for events. Art is her passion and her way of interacting with the world. She also teaches children art & ASL. Check out her Instagram page!