Picture This Productions is a documentary film making company based locally in Montreal who has been following the cast and crew of The Little Mermaid for almost a year now. The film is titled "Seen & Heard" that will take viewers backstage and into the lives and challenges of Seeing Voices Montreal, a unique mixed Deaf and hearing theatre group mounting a big new performance! They are currently leading an Indiegogo campaign for funds to cover the costs of interpreters in their editing suite. Please consider helping them so this movie can be Seen and Heard! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/seen-heard
This film will document the members of Seeing Voices Montreal as they rehearse and then perform a Deaf-themed version of The Little Mermaid. In this retelling, Ariel, a Deaf mermaid from the undersea world of Atlantis falls in love with a man from the land-based hearing world against her father’s wishes. Not only will this film focus on the challenges of mounting a unique theatrical production for both Deaf and hearing audiences, but it also tracks the obstacles the Deaf cast and crew members face in a majority hearing world.
They shadow the Deaf members as they try to find work, learn to drive in a special Deaf adapted class and strive to gain the approval of a hearing mate’s parents. Meanwhile the hearing cast and crew members navigate being a minority for the first time among the Deaf, while all work to communicate with their troupe members in four languages: English, French, LSQ (langue des signes québécoise), and ASL (American Sign Language). And then the curtains rise...prepare to be uplifted, moved and inspired by Seen & Heard!
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SVM is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational and collaborative opportunities to build connections between D/deaf* and hearing people.
*Deaf, hard-of-hearing, orally Deaf, and deafened SVM Day Camp photosSign up for our newsletter! |